
Dr Steffen Raub

Dr Steffen Raub

Dr Steffen Raub

Full Professor


  • Empowerment
  • Organizational behavior
  • Organizational citizenship behavior
  • Proactive service behaviors
  • Quantitative methods
  • Sustainability / Corporate social responsibility


Steffen Raub, PhD, is Full Professor of Organizational Behavior at EHL where he formerly occupied the positions of Associate Dean, Vice Dean and Acting Dean. Before joining EHL, he was on the faculties of the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, HEC Geneva and HEC Lausanne. He was also a Visiting Scholar at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a Visiting Associate Professor at National University of Singapore.

Steffen’s research focuses on proactive service behaviors, organizational citizenship behavior, empowerment and sustainability/corporate social responsibility. It has been published in leading outlets including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Work & Stress, as well as the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly and the International Journal of Hospitality Management. Steffen is also the co-author of a best-selling volume on Managing Knowledge.


EHL Researcher of the year (2012)
CHLAR Best Research Paper Golden Award 2011, International Conference on Hospitality and Leisure Applied Research, Lyon, France
Outstanding Practical Implications for Management Award 2007, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA


PhD in Management, University of Geneva
Academic Publications

Academic publications from Steffen Raub

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Evidence for the need to distinguish between selfinitiated and organizationally imposed overload in studies of work stress

This study attempts to enhance our understanding of the inconsistencies reported in the literature concerning the relationship between work overload and work outcomes. We tested the proposition that work overload should be divided into two...

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What it takes to get proactive : an integrative multilevel model of antecedents of personal initiative

Building upon and extending Parker, Bindl, and Strauss’s (2010)theory of proactive motivation, we develop an integrated, multilevel model to examine how contextual factors shape employees’ proactive motivational states and, through these proactive...

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When employees walk the company talk : the importance of employee involvement in corporate philanthropy

Although corporate philanthropy is often viewed as a vehicle for fostering employee commitment, research suggests that it does not always accomplish this goal. Drawing on theories on prosocial sensemaking and on social identity theory, I propose...

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Perceived insider status and job design predict job attitudes and work performance of restaurant employees

In this article, the role of perceived insider status (PIS) as a predictor of attitudinal and behavioral work outcomes and the role of core job characteristics as moderators of this relationship has been investigated. Data from 203 employees of a...

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Capturing the value premium : global evidence from a fair value-based investment strategy

This paper examines the risk premium of value stocks within a global investment strategy framework. We test whether absolute or relative mispricing is better suited to capturing the global value premium by using fair value-based net asset values...

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“Think sustainable, act local” – a stakeholder-filter-model for translating SDGs into sustainability initiatives with local impact

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and illustrate a comprehensive framework for how hospitality firms can overcome the broad vs. narrow dilemma in sustainable management. We develop a framework for how to break down the United Nations...

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Changing tires on a moving car : the role of timing in hospitality and service turnaround processes

Corporate turnaround processes consist of two main strategies: retrenchment and recovery. Whereas retrenchment focuses on efficiency and cost reduction, recovery entails strategic repositioning for long-term growth. Prior research has emphasized the...

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Is the flow-performance relationship really convex ? : the impact of data treatment and model specification

This paper challenges the convexity of the flow-performance relationship, according to which investors strongly chase top-performing funds, while fund flows exhibit little to no sensitivity to past performance within the segment of poorly performing...

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The discount to NAV of distressed open-end real estate funds

This paper examines the discount to NAV in the context of distressed German open-end real estate funds. This is a unique setting to study NAV discounts because distressed real estate funds are forced to sell off their property portfolios and pay out...

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New employee orientation, role-related stressors and conflict at work : consequences for work attitudes and performance of hospitality employees

Combining role theory with theories on hindrance stressors and intragroup conflict, we develop a model of the attitudinal and behavioral consequences of new employee orientation in hospitality organizations. We test hypotheses about main and...

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Which stocks are driven by which interest rates ?

This paper analyzes the return sensitivities of real estate value and growth stocks to changes in five different interest rate proxies. Using a global sample of 352 listed real estate companies from 12 countries as a test object, we find that real...

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Public versus private market arbitrage : international evidence for listed property companies

This paper examines the performance of real estate firms that issue seasoned equity with the stated purpose of investing in private market assets. Prior literature documents that (i) firms, in general, underperform following a season equity offering...

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Strategic transactions around REIT conversions

This article examines the conversion-related mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity and post-conversion performance of 80 international Real Estate Operating Companies (REOCs) that adopted Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) status. In the years...

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What determines the mean reversion speed of NAV spreads?

In this paper, we study the mean reversion behaviour of NAV spreads for a global sample of 219 listed real estate stocks. We find NAV spreads for companies trading at a high discount to mean revert fastest. Remarkably, we also provide evidence that...

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Fund closure risks of open-end real estate funds

Over the past decades, numerous open-end real estate funds (OEREFs) in several countries became unable to maintain the liquidity provision and had to suspend the redemption of fund shares. This paper examines OEREF closures in Germany, the world’s...

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The REIT conversion puzzle

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a globally recognized form of real estate ownership that offer tax benefits at a corporate level. Despite their clear advantages, however, a significant share of potentially eligible Real Estate Operating...

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Leaders of organisational communities of practice : their characteristics, activities, and fit with their communities

By balancing the needs for autonomy and control, leaders of organisational communities of practice (OCoPs) play a central role in their effectiveness. This study aims to identify different OCoP leader profiles and analyse possible contingencies with...

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The impact of wine tasters’ expectations on wine quality ratings and willingness-to-pay

Is it possible to exploit cognitive biases so that a non-professional taster prefers one wine to several other absolutely identical wines? To address this question, three complementary experiments were carried out. Each time, five wines were tasted...

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When the hierarchy folds: how employees may react.

Purpose: This paper aims to uncover how employees make sense of the implementation of holacracy in their organization.

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The cruise industry workforce crunch – generational changes in work values of job seekers

Purpose: In the wake of COVID-19, the cruise industry is experiencing an unprecedented talent management challenge. Extant research suggests a broad range of work values that may attract job candidates to the cruise industry. The purpose of this...

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Servant leadership and psychological empowerment of hotel service employees – The moderating role of openness

This paper investigates servant leadership as a predictor of psychological empowerment in hospitality employees. The hypotheses suggest that employees’ openness to experience predicts psychological empowerment and acts as a moderator of the...

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The impact of management structure on guest satisfaction in chain-affiliated hotels and the moderating influence of chain scale

While extensive research focuses on the relationship between chain-affiliation and hotel operating performance, these results are inconclusive. We suggest this is because previous studies have largely ignored whether affiliated hotels are operated...

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