
Executive Education

Executive Education for Individuals

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Accelerate your career and inject
energy into your business

At the heart of any great success story lies a winding path filled with obstacles, hidden traps, and uphill battles. Whether it's navigating complex market landscapes, overcoming financial hurdles, breaking through the competition, or honing your leadership skills, we're committed to being your knowledgeable partner. Our Executive Education courses are designed to help you reach your full potential.


EHL On-Site Executive Education 

Embark on an educational journey with our immersive Lausanne and Singapore short course programs.

Programs for Hospitality Professionals

Unlock 12 premium training programs tailored specifically for the hospitality industry's top-tier professionals.

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Empower your Leadership and Creative Potential with EHL Executive Education

For professionals and executives, EHL’s Executive Education programs equip you with insights and innovative tools that you can take away and apply immediately in your job. Hosted on our campuses in Switzerland and Singapore, our short courses are designed to fit impactful learning in a busy schedule.

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Part-time Degree Programs

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EHL’s MBA in Hospitality is designed for busy working professionals who wish to improve their strategic hospitality management skills without putting their careers or personal lives on hold can.  Around 80% of the courses are delivered online, for a flexible work-study balance with three weeks on the Lausanne campus in Switzerland.


Discover the program 

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You gain more than business knowledge with the EHL Executive MBA. It gives you the necessary hard abilities to position a company for growth as well as the soft skills to establish yourself as a respected leader. Our part-time EMBA program combines online and in-person study, with some components being taught on the weekends. 

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Designing Hotel and Restaurant Concepts is based on 7 components
Hospitality Industry

The 7 components of designing a hotel concept

Designing Hotel and Restaurant Concepts is a 3-day short course taught on EHL Campus in Singapore and Lausanne by Youri Sawerschel. A flagship course of EHL’s executive school, it specializes in expanding concept mindsets with regards to hotel,...

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Why Lifelong Learning Is Important
Trends in Education

Why Lifelong Learning is important and can help fulfil your potential

Lifelong learning is about developing your full potential, skill development and growth via self-actualization, which is the highest need described by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Traditional education has a beginning and an end that culminates in...

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Putting authenticity at the heart of luxury branding’s future
Business Management

An Insight Into the State of Luxury Branding Today

The concept of what makes a luxury brand an attractive option worth buying into is undergoing a massive mind shift. This is especially true for the future luxury consumers, often referred to as the Millennials and Gen Z, or even more precisely...

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Benefits of continuous Learning
Student Resources

10 Benefits of continuous education for career advancement

Continuous education is the answer to a society that is constantly changing. To remain professionally agile, we should constantly be looking to learn and gain new skills. Improving yourself, staying current and moving up in your profession or...

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Resilient leadership
Business Management

Resilient Leadership: how to overcome obstacles to become a better leader

Against the backdrop of uncertain markets, record inflation, and the IMF forecast for global growth to decelerate from 3% this year to 2.9% in 2024, well below the historical average, it is particularly important for resilient leadership to become...

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