Data Driven Marketing

The course's purpose is to build a strong foundation between theories and industry practices in marketing, specifically in distribution. This course introduces some classic marketing literature to understand the why and update with current marketing practices or the how.
Picto Simple


Picto Simple


Certificate of Completion
Picto Simple


5 weeks / 8 hours per week
Picto Simple


Picto Simple


Hospitality Data-Driven Marketing

John Wanamaker, a successful American merchant, once said, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I do not know which half." Today's marketers understand customers better, develop more relevant offerings, and monitor marketing performance better because of data and technology.

The course's purpose is to build a strong foundation between theories and industry practices in marketing, specifically in distribution. This course introduces some classic marketing literature to understand the why and update with current marketing practices or the how.

Specifically, this course develops students’ mindset from passive distribution to active go-after, from data collection to develop customer relationship, and from distributing service to developing platform community. In addition, this course introduces and discusses the roles of technology, including voice assistance, augmented reality, and virtual reality in marketing. Lastly, students will apply their marketing knowledge in a simulation and optimize their marketing decisions based on market results.

Course advantages

  • The course is composed of recorded videos, exercises, industry insights and readings offering you a solid overview of the current state of the hospitality.
  • The content is based on the modules delivered in EHL’s MBA in Hospitality program.

Course content

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34 Lecture Videos
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21 Readings
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2 Interactive Exercises
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2 Industry Experts Interviews

Learning Journey

Who should apply ?

  • Marketing is becoming increasingly data-driven. By learning about it you can improve your return on investment and maximize the impact of your campaigns.
  • You can gain a competitive edge by using data to make informed decisions that can drive better results.
  • Stay current with the latest marketing trends and practices.

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